Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Red Writing Hood

This week we're going to switch gears and write a little poetry. Writing poetry helps us work on cadence and rhythm which can make for better fiction.  So by flexing our poetry muscles, we can in turn create more fluid fictional pieces.  Please write a narrative poem that focuses on the workings of a family, whether it be your own or one that you've created from scratch.  Good luck!


  1. I'm hoping againt hope that I can get a few minutes to participate this week. This one may be tough...

  2. uh, um. yea.

    there once was a lady from nantucket... I kid!

    I'm not sure but I will try.

  3. This prompt is so exciting. My heart just made a leap I tell you. I studied writing poetry for 4 years. I'm so excited...starting now.

  4. working on mine! haven't written a poem in forever. I usually use it for emotional outlet.

  5. Sure why not.... just let me get my muse hat... i think i lost it some where on the way,.....

  6. Oooo when was the last time I wrote a poem? 8 years ago? This is going to be interesting! :)

    Good muses and good writing!

  7. Yikes! I haven't written poetry in a looooonnnnggggg time.

  8. I think I can handle this. "workings of a family" is pretty vague though.

  9. PS I found this how to for narrative poetry if anyone needs the help:


  10. I was hoping the next one would be poetry! However, this week SUCKS for me. My mom's in the hospital and my dad is sick @ home and I have a toddler. I am running ragged and stressed to the max. If I can find the time, I will definitely try my hand at this. If not, I hope they'll be another poetry meme down the line...


Write it!