Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Writing Memoir: Cheap Therapy

I am not a memoir writer. I prefer to create new worlds that are much more fun to visit then to revisit the world of my past.

My past…most of it escapes my memory anyway, except for the dark, the overly traumatic, and the dramatic. If it didn’t make an impact, chances are I won’t remember it.

At least, that’s how it used to be.

I don’t want to write the dark stuff. It’s painful. It hurts. It wrenches my heart. It makes me cry.

It’s painful for you to read. It wrenches your heart. It makes you cry.

This is not what I want when I write. I’m a ball of sunshine. I like to make people laugh, give them a nice little twist, a cliff hanger that makes them come back for more.

Happy endings.

I want to share life as viewed through the violet colored glasses my fairy filled imagination keeps on.

So, why do I hit that publish button?

Because I have to.

Because it does more for me then it does for you.

Because it’s cheap therapy.

At the end of the post, I have found peace. Forgiveness. A new resolve.

I have become a stronger person because I set it free.

I am not the same person anymore. I will not be oppressed. I walk a little taller, stand a little straighter, and my eyes are no longer watching my feet.

My heart is lighter, my eyes twinkle brighter, my smile is more genuine.

But most of all?

All those other memories are set free too. I remember that life wasn’t all dark, overly traumatic, and dramatic.
And that?

Is priceless.


Today's guest post was written by Stephanie of The Scoop on Poop and My Write Side.

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