Friday, July 9, 2010

Red Writing Hood

You didn't think we were going to have a writers blog and not have a meme, did you?

Silly bloggers! And my, what big, um, keyboards you have! Because this meme? It's called Red Writing Hood. Get it?

Okay. Let's get to it.

Starting next Tuesday, we will announce the weekly meme. It will be a writing exercise, a prompt to encourage you to stretch your writing chops a bit. Friday, we will have a McLinky here. You are invited to post on your personal blog and link up at TRDC.

It's going to be fun. It will!

Make sure you grab our button (it's over on the right sidebar).

We look forward to watching the creativity fly!

Have a great idea for a writing prompt for the meme? Email us with "Red Writing Hood" in the subject line.

