Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What's Holding You Back?

You have this great idea for a novel. A GREAT idea.

And you're totally excited to get to it. But first you have to unload the dishwasher and do a load or eight of laundry. Your kids need to eat and be chauffeured around. The baby? He's refusing to nap.

Finally, when it's dark and quiet, when the children are dreaming in their beds and your husband is watching the game on TV, you have a chance to sit down at your computer.


Nothing. Nada.

Your idea that was so fabulous in the morning? Maybe you aren't so in love with it now. Or maybe you start typing and, after a few hundred words, you realize it's not going anywhere.

Also? Top Chef is on. Or the Bachelorette. And there might be a container of Coffee Heath Bar Crunch calling you from the freezer.

So there goes another day.

Rinse. Repeat.

What is holding us back?

It's time. It's energy. Things that are in short supply when you're a mom. If you work. If you do both.

But it's more. It takes drive, dedication and discipline (which I have just now decided to call the Three Ds, in case I decide to mention them again). It's sitting down and writing. Every day. No matter what. And that's not easy to do, for the above reasons. And many, many others.

It's fear. Maybe we're afraid we'll fail so we don't start. Maybe we're afraid we're not that good of a writer, or that no one would possibly want to read what we have to say.

We fear we're not original.

Or we're afraid of exposing ourselves, of putting it all out there - our thoughts and hopes and the places our imagination takes us - for others to see.

We fear it's too hard. It's too silly. It's a waste of time to pursue something that might never see the light of day. We'll do it when our kids are older, when we have more time, when we get that new computer, when this season of American Idol is over.

We're insecure.

We don't know how to begin.

Still, it's our dream. It's our dream, and the thing is? It's going to stay that way - a dream - unless we do something about it someday.

And someday? It's today.

It's today.

What is holding YOU back? Have you done anything toward your dream of becoming a published writer? Why or why not?